4D Human Being Podcast

The Value of Your Voice: Pitch & Precision

4D Human Being Season 4 Episode 28

🎙️ Did you know the pitch of your voice has a huge impact on how you're perceived? 🎤

Your voice pitch can shape how others receive your message, but it's not just about the sound; factors like speed and breath both play a role.

Whether it's precision or pitch, these vocal elements influence communication more than you might think. Your voice is your tool—how well are you using it? 🗣️✨

Listen back to the previous episode to learn about:

Pace – How varying your speaking speed can energise or ground your message.

Pause – The power of silence in creating impact and giving your words more weight.


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Our team of 4D coaches and facilitators combine the knowledge, expertise and talents of entrepreneurs, business leaders, psychologists and actors to offer a unique suite of communication, leadership and wellbeing programmes to help you and your organisation choose your impact.

Our approach looks at our development in all 4 of our dimensions: physical, emotional, intellectual and intentional. Taking you from being a 3D Human Doing, to a 4D Human Being.