4D Human Being Podcast

The Age of Soft Skills - Part 1. Interpersonal and Impact

4D Human Being Season 2 Episode 7

Welcome to The Age of Soft Skills with the 4D Human Being podcast. An age where everyone is much more focussed on the skills of communicating, connecting, collaborating and caring.

In the next 3 episodes, we will be exploring the four things on the 4D soft skills checklist to help you become super successful in this new age: The Interpersonal, your Impact, Improvisation and Inspiration.

In today's episode, we will be discussing the first two – The Interpersonal and Your Impact.

Exploring Task vs Relationship - why it’s important to remember to put as much focus on people as on the tasks and jobs. And taking a look at why making a memorable impact is so important and how you can easily create even more impact every day.

So join us to take a look at what you can do to dial up your four soft super skills and take your interpersonal skills and your personal impact to the next level in the first episode - "Interpersonal and Impact".